Thursday, February 24, 2011

The deepest breath I took yesterday...

...was at 6:30 yesterday evening. Breathing is the most basic of basic, yet awareness of the breath is the first thing that goes out the window for me when stress gets high. I think I need to start living more in my body and less in my head.

Gearing up for class number 4 with a glass of soymilk and an energy bar! I won't even mention the venti sugarfree soy latte I had earlier ; ) I might not need a shot block this afternoon. Typically I'll eat one or two of these before class, but tonight since I'm fuelled by latte I might not need to. The shot bloks are good for sustained performance, and they give me just enough boost to make it through class. Is taking a shot blok before yoga like shooting steroids before playing baseball? Not quite, but sometimes I feel oddly guilty about eating one. I don't crave them or feel like I can't take a class without one, so I don't think it quite qualifies as addiction juuust yet.

For the past several years whenever I go to classes consecutively I tend to develop head cold symptoms. As per usual I'm rocking a sore throat, sinus pressure and related sinus headache. Pushing through cold symptoms is, besides annoying, something I constantly struggle with in this particular type of yoga. What gives? Weakened immune system due to prolonged intense activity? Is the heat making me sick? Would I have a cold anyway if I wasn't doing yoga? Who knows.

What I do know is that class is in an hour and a powernap is likely in my future.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Two days down. So far so good. The past two classes have been about easing back into the practice. Last week I cycled and swam exclusively, and have some general tightness in several areas, but overall both classes have been okay. This evening is class number 3. Bring it!

Work has been stressful, so I'm looking forward to letting go of some tension.

Occasionally I have my clients make lists of things they are grateful for. This is mine for this moment:

1. The privilege of being able to practice yoga every day
2. A healthy body to carry me through class.
3. My health, my husband's health
4. Employment
5. Friends and Family

There are more and the list changes every day sometimes, but that's where I'm at today. What's on your list?

Ready for class. My goal for tonight is to calm my loud mind. So often I think about a million other things during class when I should be a blank slate. Focus and concentration is what I'm after this evening.


Saturday, February 19, 2011


I'm in my fourth year of Bikram yoga practice. For those yogis who practice other types of yoga, Bikram yoga is a 26 posture series practiced over 90 minutes in a room heated to roughly 105 degrees with around 40% humidity. Bikram's website is a great source of information about the practice. I've tried a lot of different workouts and sports, yet Bikram has been the only type of exercise that has enabled me to reach (and keep reaching for) a heightened level of fitness.

For the last few years I've practiced anywhere between two and five times a week. My yoga classes are usually supplemented with swimming laps, strength training and cycling at our local city gym. I've been witness to my my home studio's bi-annual 30 Day challenge over the years and have yet to participate in it. I thought that I'd do my own 30 days of Bikram, beginning this Monday.

The rules:
-I must attend 1 Bikram class every day from February 21st-March 21st.

- I am allowed 1 double a week, meaning I can take two classes one day and then take a day off.

-If I travel (unlikely until Florida in April) I can take a class at another studio.

Why am I doing this exactly? Though I've been practicing for some time, I feel my practice could use a little extra love. I'm 26 on the 20th of February, and part of the reason for the experience is to give myself a little extra time to slow down and celebrate the moment. I want to take the next month to focus on my body, the poses, and the effects the yoga has on my feelings/emotional states. Most of the time I build yoga into my life, but for the next 30 days I want to try to build more of my life into my yoga.

I've created this blog as a means to record the facets of this steamy 30-day journey, and also as a means to garner support! Blogging the experience will make me more accountable, also. Take that, procrastinating self!

Yes there will be photos. Stay tuned and please feel free to leave feedback, stories, advice or bad jokes.

See you in the studio.